What Dragonfly Way students say:
The late T'ai Chi Ch'uan master, Michael Spink (Instructor at British T'ai Chi Ch'uan Association - the first T'ai Chi Ch'uan school in Europe), who undertook extensive studies with John Kells, William C C Chen, Rose Li, Gin Soon Chu and Gia Fu Feng, said:
"I have known Joe both personally and as a sincere student of the T'ai Chi Ch'uan Association for many years. I have full confidence in his ability and level of technical competence as a professional instructor of Yang style T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Ba Gua Zhang, Dao Yin, Qi Gong and associated forms"
25th February 1997
Bernard Mooney, former Qi Gong & Tai Chi student, and Project Manager at an award-winning North London housing organisation, says:
"Joe is an accomplished and knowledgeable T'ai Chi and Qi Gong instructor. I have benefited from his teaching and enjoyed his ongoing weekly classes. I am happy to recommend him and his teaching..."
10th September 2011
Catherine Capeling, Tai ji Quan student and Marketing Executive says:
" I find the classes fun and they have a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Joe clearly demonstrates and explains the Tai Chi form, from the foundations of the movements, to their martial applications..."
21st August 2011

"...Do not seek fame. Do not make plans. Do not be absorbed by activities. Do not think that you know. Be aware of all that is and dwell in the infinite. Wander where there is no path. Be all that heaven gave you, but act as though you have received nothing. Be empty, that is all..."
Chuang Tsu
Steve Minshull, private student, says:
"Thank you for your excellent teaching. I love the way it is tailored to my specific requirements and it has taught me the value of flexibility, flow, and the Taoist principle of Wu Wei. To me the practical application of this is to use energy wisely and effectively. This is something which I now try to apply to life in general, as well as to my daily practice."
19th March 2012
Katy Evers, Commercial Property Development consultant, says:
"You are a lovely teacher - thank you - I use your instruction to practice and develop both the form and my Qigong as often as I can"
4th July 2012
David Lamb, Acupuncturist & shiatsu therapist:
"What Joe teaches is the real deal - I have studied other internal and external arts for many years and want to make sure I am spending my study time to get the best instruction available - I fully recommend Joe's classes
November 2016
Copyright Joe Boake & Dragonfly Way 2020